Display memory image metadata
vol.py –f mem.img imageinfo
Find API/DLL function hooks
vol.py apihooks
Map ASEPs to running processes
vol.py autoruns -v
Scan for COMMAND_HISTORY buffers
vol.py cmdscan
vol.py consoles
Extract DLLs from specific processes
vol.py dlldump --dump-dir ./output –r <dll>
List of loaded dlls by process by PID
vol.py dlllist –p ###
Identify I/O Request Packet (IRP) hooks
vol.py driverirp –r tcpip
Extract FILE_OBJECTs from memory
vol.py dumpfiles-n -i -r \\.exe --dumpdir=./
Extract all available registry hives
vol.py dumpregistry--dump-dir ./output
Scan memory for FILE_OBJECT handles
vol.py filescan
Print process security identifiers by PID
vol.py getsids –p ###
Dump user NTLM and Lanman habashes
ol.py habashdump
Print all keys and subkeys in a hive. -o Offset of registry hive to dump (virtual offset)
vol.py hivedump –o 0xe1a14b60
Find and list available registry hives
vol.py hivelist
Detect process hollowing techniques
vol.py hollowfind-D ./output_dir
Display Interrupt Descriptor Table
vol.py idt
Convert alternate memory sources to raw
vol.py imagecopy -f hiberfil.sys -O hiber.raw --profile=Win7SP1x64
Convert alternate memory sources to raw
vol.py imagecopy -f MEMORY.DMP -O crabashdump.raw –-profile=Win2016x64_14393
Detect unlinked DLLs
vol.py ldrmodules –p ### -v
Find possible malicious injected code and dump sections
vol.py malfind --dump-dir ./output_dir
Extract every memory section into onefile
vol.py memdump –-dump-dir ./output –p ###
Extract kernel drivers
vol.py moddump --dump-dir ./output –r <driver>
Scan memory for loaded, unloaded, and unlinked drivers
vol.py modscan
Scan for TCP connections and sockets
vol.py netscan
Output a registry key,subkeys, and values
vol.py printkey –K“Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run”
Dump process to executable sample
vol.py procdump --dump-dir ./output –p ###
High level view of running processes
vol.py pslist
Display parent-process relationbaships
vol.py pstree
Find hidden processes using cross-view
vol.py psxview
Hooks in System Service Descriptor Table
vol.py ssdt
Scan for Windows Service record structures
vol.py svcscan-v
Find and parse userassist key values
vol.py userassist
Scan memory for EPROCESS blocks
vol.py psscan
List of open handles for each process [Process, Thread, Key, Event, File, Mutant, Token, Port]
vol.py handles –p ### –t File,Key